NEWS: Several news reports have surfaced this morning indicating that C-ute's upcoming single is a new, modernized version of Enka singer, Itsuki Hiroshi's upcoming song Edo no Temari Uta.
According to reports, Tsunku was so taken upon hearing Itsuki's song, which is appearing in an upcoming album, that he organized for the lyrics to be rewritten and a new arrangement made especially for C-ute (Edo no Temari Uta II).
The arrangement is said to be a modern, fairy tale version of the original enka song. Leader, Yajima Maimi has praised the song's lyrics, written in the Edo style, and the new arrangement calling it modern and funny.


While the song will be released before Itsuki's album, which has not yet been set a release date, it is still technically a cover song. Can you have a cover song with new lyrics and a new arrangement? I guess so... Either way, C-ute is getting a lot of media attention from this new revelation.

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