PREVIEWS: Morning Musume & C-ute are both appearing in BLT magazine and we have some new previews *yay*! (click for high res)

Firstly Morning Musume. The girls feature in the upcoming Olympic issue of BLT magazine where they don Volleyball outfits and give some serious ass kicking poses.

But this is still Morning Musume, so here are the obligatory *super cute* poses:

C-ute is also appearing in BLT's September issue in their regular C-utie Museum feature. They continue the Olympic theme holding medals, balls and megaphones. While Saki has a gold medal to her name, Kanna looks to have made a clean sweep of the games, grinning as she showing off her huge medal tally (she probably thinks they're real, the poor girl). The other girls won diddly-squat *aww*

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