NEWS: Goto Maki performed her 2nd and final performance at A-nation '08 yesterday evening, the final day for A-nation this year. Maki performed alongside artists such as AAA, alan, Mihimaru GT, Koda Kumi, Amuro Namie and Hamasaki Ayumi as well as many others.

Unfortunately for Maki (fortunately for us *snigger*) it began pouring rain almost immediately as she stepped on stage . (Click to enlarge pics)

Maki steps confidently onstage ... and the heavens opened!

While a lot of the crowd ran for cover, Maki ushered them back to hear her performance. Maki performed soaking wet in the rain, singing the same setlist as her previous performance. Check out Goto Maki's Avex Debut for a fan recording of Maki's performances of Shy Guy and her original song, Hear Me.

Here is a news report on the event which features clips of a lot of the performances - Maki is at 0:08 and 1:56.

Some more pics from A-nation '08's final day: (Click to enlarge pics)

Amuro Namie

mihimaru GT ~Hiroko <3



Koda Kumi

Hamasaki Ayumi

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