NEWS: The Taiwan H!P NEWSTARs have finally been given an official group name, from now forth they shall be known as Ice Cream Musume!

Back row: Zhōng An Qí, Gǔ Yún, Lán Ai Zi, Light bulb
Front row: Céng Dé Píng, Wú Sī Xuán

The group definitely has a Winter theme for themselves, or at least their debut album. They all look very cute in their ice cream jackets, leggings, furry boots and mini ice creams - some girls also seem to have been given mini makeovers since traveling to Japan. Xuán's hair has been cut in a bob now it seems and she looks strikingly like Sawada Yuri, I think lol. Píng has been given a short haircut too by the looks of it. Zi and Yún look really similar, could they be the next two top? is looking gorgeous and Light bulb is Light bulb - cute as can be ^_^

The guy isn't part of the group - for those who were unsure ^^;

So thoughts on the name? It's cute and Ice Cream is my favourite thing in the world + their jackets suspiciously match the red/pink colour I'm always using on my blog... hmmmmm. It's great finally seeing them on the road to a debut and I can't wait to see what kind of songs they'll be singing!

I've also updated all the past NEWSTAR posts with the Ice Cream Musume tag, so click it to read up on the history of the group if you wish.

6 comments - Join the discussion!:

Anonymous said...

I hope they can live up to their name ( LOL I don't know what I mean by that )


Anonymous said...

I quite like this.

Dee said...

They do look really cute! The name..I like it..but..the Musume part for some reason doesn't really roll off the tongue so well. Oh well, it's still cute :D!

Mars said...

Craig: Sweet and irresistible, maybe ;)I doubt that will be hard :P

Wendy: The NEWSTARs and Ice Cream - how can u go wrong? :P

Deedy: Hmm yeah Ice Cream might have been better by itself but I suppose now they can bank on the musume name.

Anonymous said...

You always have the best news! They look amazing.

I love Lightbulb and the SawaYuri looking girl (Xuán... is that pronounced ZOO-ahn?))

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