PREVIEW: Ok, so it's a day or two late ... but Maimi has debuted the title track from C-ute's upcoming album, Akogare MY STAR, on her radio show. The song has an upbeat, dance feel to it and everyone gets a solo line ^_^

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So is this song great or what?! ^^ It seems Tsunku is saving some great tracks for albums, Berryz' had some great album tracks too - so let's hope 4th Akogare MY STAR turns out to be a strong album.
The covers were also released yesterday and have a spring feeling to them:


I probably would have preferred something a bit different but this is ok. That Airi/Kanna shot looks killer! - and the group photo is very sweet. I think I'll prob end up getting the limited, not sure. We'll see.

Here's the tracklist:

1.★憧れ My STAR★ (★Akogare My STAR★)
2.One's LIFE/Umeda, Okai, Hagiwara
3.Yes! all my family/Suzuki
4.涙の色 (Namida no Iro)
5.愛してる 愛してる (Aishiteru Aishiteru)/Nakajima, Arihara
6.青春ソング (Seishun Song)/Yajima
7.Big dreams
9.約束は特にしないわ (Yakusoku wa Toku ni Shinai wa)
11.江戸の手毬唄Ⅱ (Edo no Temari Uta II)

4th Akogare MY STAR is out on the 28th of January.

3 comments - Join the discussion!:

Anonymous said...

That is a real strong song.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That song is amazing! I especially liked Erika's and kanna's parts in the beginning. I hope the rest of the album holds up to this song and the other released singles. Is there any previews of Maimi's and Airi's new solo songs?

Mars said...

wotacraig: Prof, I agree. I've been listening to it heaps in the past few days.

djavanjmiles: Hmm yeh, Erika and Kanna sound particularly good. Unfort no other previews of the album tracks yet. This one was special xmas gift from Maimi. Maybe on next weeks show she'll play another?