NEWS: Ice Creamusume made their first TV appearance last week, according to one of their blog's managers (however they were on MTV almost a month ago, though that was really just a quick 2 min introduction) - The girls appeared on Azio Entertainment News to promote their upcoming album 1st Zui Bang!


Unfortunately both Anchii and Guu-chan were unable to make the recording due to school commitments so instead they had some replacement members to fill in for the two missing girls.


*lol* XD Apparently the other 4 girls couldn't stop laughing when they saw the life sized cutouts of the other two members.

The girls each got to perform on the show. PeiPei sang at track from the album while Youko sang a Goto Maki track (nice taste!). The other two girls danced, ShenShen doing a bellydance (of which we already know she's awesome at) and ReiRei taught everyone the dance to Lian Ai Deng Chang, the leading track from their album.
They then performed Lian Ai Deng Chang and the manager was very excited that the girls all sang live (no lip synching for these girls!).

The show is airing tomorrow evening, 7pm on Azio TV. If anyone has the ability to cap it for all us fans, please do ^_^

5 comments - Join the discussion!:

Kita St. Cyr said...

<3 I already love these girls lol

Which Maki song did Youko sing?

Mars said...

the blog didn't say, we'll have to wait till the broadcast to see.

Amy said...

whoa, I saw the title and I was like, WHAT NO THEY DIDN'T REPLACE LIGHTBULB NOOOO. you gave me a heart attack, mars D:

Anonymous said...

If it was here I'd say to hell with school (cos they're so terrible here) but iono what school is like for them there (they might be pretty good) so i guess it's all good (and they found the fun in it so yay XP ).

Mars said...

Kita: Youko posted on her latest blog that she performed Scramble ;)

Amy: Mwahahaha *is evil*

Craig: It had something to do with their finals but I agree, ditch school for the tv show :p