NEWS: The Happy! Style website has revealed the new official sites for SI*NA (prev. H!P Kansai) & the Happy! Style Rookies. The SI*NA website includes profiles and info on the girls along with some nice pics.


I must say Suma Ai is gorgeous! (even if she does look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man) The other girls aren't bad too, and from what I've heard they have great voices. Release soon, please!

The resemblance is uncanny!

The Rookies' website is coming soon but contains an adorable video of Ishihara Kaori, one of the new additions to Happy! Style. The other rookies are Sasamine Aoi and Ogura Yui. Hirota Shion and Tsukimiya Usagi are apparently temp members.

In conjunction with these new websites, the girls will be performing their 3rd Communication Circuit (003) which will take place on the 7th of September.

Check out the sites by clicking the images below:



2 comments - Join the discussion!:

Happy!Project said...

This wota site, if you look about halfway down the page, they uploaded Happy!Style's circut tour, it's the newer one, the one that just happened. The girls DO have good voices, I was especially impressed with Si*na, but there are some of the girls who were... questionable, the others, like the cosplayer girl, Usagi? Haha, but anyway, I thought I'd let you know, I've been waiting forever for clips or anything of Happy!style, so this was nice. The quality of the songs aren't GREAT because it was a wota recording it in a crowd, and the wota were def going crazy ahah so you hear a lot of chants but it's good enough to hear the quality of the girls voices and everything. :O

Mars said...

Hey! Thanks for the link, I'll definitely check it out when I get a chance. I've heard a recording of their first communication circuit and I do agree about them having good voices. It'd be interesting to hear them on a recording. They'd prob record really well. One of the girls, Yui (in the pic of the rookies site) has the highest voice I've heard *lol* Thanks again :)