No I haven't gone insane ... New Year has come early this year with the previews of Hello! Project's 2009 calendars and some look really wonderful.

Morning Musume

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This is just amazing. I love the background and the theme first off, very pure and sweet. The girls all look great in white, with varying outfits and styles. Gaki stands out to me the most, she just looks amazing. Reina and Ai are also very pretty as are the other girls. Nobody looks bad, which is rare for group photos. I hope the pics inside are as good as the cover!

Matsuura Aya

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This is another incredible cover. It honestly looks like a photobook to me. Ayaya really pops against the grassy backdrop and her expression is beautiful. Very nice!

Abe Natsumi

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This one also resembles a photobook cover to me. It's not as great as Aya's but it's still pretty nice. Nacchi's skin looks flawless (thanks photoshop? or genes?) and the whispy maiden look suits her. I only question her leaning towards the camera, her head looks slightly large. No biggie... *oh wait*

Berryz Koubou

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hmmm... What can you say about this? It's a bit boring. They're just standing there in front of stairs (of all things) in some rather ugly outfits. Risako looks possessed , Yurina looks like she is about to cast some horrible spell on me and Miyabi is thinking "wtf am I doing here... and why am I in the back row?!" Hopefully the pics inside are better.


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Oh lord, ok *lol* Ummm... Hmmm. This kind of looks like some annual UN Conference camping trip. Coming together in peace and harmony to roast marshmallows over a blazing bonfire ^_^ Inside should be interesting, to say the VERY least.

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