EDIT: You can read recaps of the latest New Star episode 13/14 Sep HERE and HERE.

: It seems that my last post on New Star was EXTREMELY popular, thanks in part to International Wota who were kind enough to feature it. Thanks so much! So I thought I'd keep everyone up to date on what's happening with the show.

In regards to CK's query on why one of the finalists is named lightbulb. I'm not really certain. I think it might have to do with the shape of her head. Either way she is by far the most popular girl on the show. When the judges interview her after she performs, she is SO spacey and out of it and the judges always end up in histerics. If anyone is certain of the reason for this nickname please leave a comment letting us know ^_^

Edit: Pengie posted a comment explaining "
that she was given the nickname because she's on and off like a light bulb--she clicks on when performing, but off when she's not" - much more sensible than my 'shape of her head' idea lol. Raid further suggests that it's more to do with her focus in general flickering "on and off, much like a lightbulb that isn't connected properly". Either way, she flicks on and off like a lightbulb somehow. Thanks to Pengie and Raid.


New Star's latest set of episodes before next week's finale saw the final 15 girls perform one last time in a bid to impress the judges. They performed solos and the performances were spread over 2 episodes. At the end of the performances, the judges eliminated 3 contestants.

Edit: Ok, I believe I've cleared everything up now. Nobody was eliminated last week. The bottom 3 were warned for having the lowest 3 scores and told to pick their games up. The three I posted below seem to be the eliminated contestants for this week (today's episode perhaps). Because the show is filmed two weeks or so in advance, the website posts articles on what happens before it actually does. Strange, but true. So here are the three who are eliminated next, the original three I had posted:

Eliminated Contestants
(click on the link to see a picture of the girl to prevent spoilers)


Next weekend sees the final set of episodes for New Star. Since the show began back in June it has apparently garnered quite a response from the Taiwanese public. It will be interesting to see the reaction to whatever Tsunku does with the winner/s of this audition.

I personally feel that Tsunku would do well to pick a number of girls (maybe adding 1 to Morning Musume if they are particularly good) and creating a Taiwan based H!P unit which would release not only in Japan but also in Taiwan. It would certainly help expand H!P's popularity throughout Asia and the group could do quite well with the publicity from the show. The two littlies should be added to the eggs to train them. They're a bit too young atm.

I guess we'll see what happens. I reported last time that Tsunku would decide on the episode airing the 14th of September. I'm not entirely certain of that now. It IS the last set of shows that weekend, but I think they might just decide on the final group of girls going to Japan to audition for Tsunku. I'll keep everyone posted.

6 comments - Join the discussion!:

Anonymous said...

As for Lightbulb, I think it was said (by a forum user somewhere) that she was given the nickname because she's on and off like a light bulb--she clicks on when performing, but off when she's not. I also saw it said that she was like a computer slowly powering up every time she's asked a question. She's my favorite auditionee, and I'm hoping SO BADLY that she and her original partner (the girl she performed uh... some tick-tock song with? I dunno her name lol, she's got a ponytail and a spotted shirt in the website pics) make it into H!P together. I love them both!

Nobody's really covered the audition until recently, so it is GREAT that you're paying attention. I tried for a little while and then just gave up. :P

Mars said...

Ah that makes much more sense. Thanks so much I'll add your info to the article ^_^

Yeah, I couldn't find TOO much info, especially not on the girls. I didn't even know the show had a website lol. It had some good info though and it's so close to the end that I'm finally getting excited about what's going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on "lightbulb" guys! Mars, I love your site. I'm glad my writeup got you lots of hits!

Mars said...

Thanks ck, it certainly did, both yesterday and today. It's always nice to see my hit count sky rocket when Int Wota features me *lol*

Thanks about the site, I'll try to keep it up. I've added your site to my links :D

Raid said...

actually, she got the nickname lightbulb not because of pengie's explanation.

A judge commented in the first preliminary that this girl seems to have her focus flicker on and off, much like a lightbulb that is not connected properly.

that's how she got the name.

Mars said...

Thanks for the further explanation Raid, I've added it to the post.

Also cleared up all the confusion I had. Stupid website lol.