REVIEWS: It's always nice to see some new artists hitting the scene and these two perked up my interest straight away.
Ogawa Mana has always been my favourite girl in Canaria Club; She is a total star with an incredible voice and great stage presence. When I heard she was releasing a solo single for the anime Hyakko I was very excited and Suppin' Rock is definitely not a let down.
On the other hand we have Twe'lv who are new to the scene and who I discovered when their PV was posted to DohhhUP!. I was pretty impressed with the Seishun Oden PV and the retro feeling of it.
Now both singles have been released I can finally do some full reviews of the two ^_^

Suppin' Rock Ogawa Mana


Suppin' Rock

Mana's voice has real punch to it so Suppin' Rock is the perfect debut single for her. It shows off her voice whilst being catchy and fun to listen to. The choruses are the high point in this song, with the "It's only love" lines being very catchy, and there is a general joyous feeling to the track helped by Mana's whoo!ing and yeah!ing throughout .^^. The rock instrumental is pretty good, though a little uninspired which tends to describe the track - good but far from great. It's not something that stands out to you straight away as an awesome song and is something I think would work much better in concerts. I'd love to sit through a live performance of Mana rockin' out, it would be sublime! So while it's not a suburb track, I do love it and listened to it yesterday for like an hour on repeat, which has to say something for it ;)

Gakuen Seikatsu; Campus Life

The b-side Gakuen Seikatsu; Campus Life is a duet featuring Orikasa Fumiko who is a seiyu/singer also featuring in the Hyakko anime. This track is not rocky like the previous but is a sweet, little pop number. It is unfortunately a bit forgettable and very similar to a lot of other idol songs having that school days, reminiscent feeling to it that you tend to often see. I can't say it makes much of an impression on me at all.

Suppin' Rock: 8.5/10
Gakuen Seikatsu; Campus Life: 6/10

Seishun Oden / Junjou Seishun Love Twe'lv


Seishun Oden

I'm not sure I was as infatuated with Seishun Oden when I first heard it as I am now but I just love this song. For the retro style it is going for, it hits a home run and is a great, interesting track. I know it might not be the style of song everyone is going to enjoy but for me it's a definite winner. Usually I pick out the highlight of the song (whether it is the verses, choruses, bridge etc) but everything here is just wonderful and of the highest quality. The girls' solos aren't stellar but they do sing well enough together that you don't really think about the vocal abilities either way. They are neither great nor bad, which is better than being bad, I guess - they can only improve in the future. Overall it's a great track especially for a debut, from what I hope will be a strong group in the future.

Junjou Seishun Love

Twe'lv's debut single is a double A-side and, the second A-side, Junjou Seishun Love continues the style of the previous track to create another retro styled song. While I generally dispise double A-sides which sound very similar, it is obviously the theme of the group so I can overlook it. The track though just isn't as strong as the previous and ends up feeling like an inferior version of Seishun Oden. Despite this, it's still a decent track and would have been a great b-side. As an A-side, I'm not sure it is as strong as it could have been.

Seishun Oden: 9/10
Junjou Seishun Love: 7/10

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