So I got an awesome surprise today as pengie, an admin at International Wota, emailed me to ask if I would be interested in joining the Int'l Wota team as a contributor...

Now let me just explain for a second: Int'l Wota is like my bible. It's almost a bit sad lol, but I check it multiple times a day and I don't know if I could live without it. For those who don't know, basically it is a collection of interesting and noteworthy posts from a ton of H!P/Jpop themed blogs on the net, so it's always great to keep up to date with all the news without having to visit hundreds of blogs. They've also been really supportive of Stardust, featuring a lot of my posts and I always have a great amount of hits each time they do. So yeah, pretty much I love the site.

... so back to the story - I went to the wotachat IRC site where all the Int'l Wota crew hang out and everyone was just so awesomely nice and quite a few said that they enjoyed my blog and everything. So of course I accepted and now I'm a contributor on Int'l Wota. Yay! Big thanks to pengie and maiZe, my mentor broomhead, who taught me well, Henkka ^_^ and all the other IW crew who I met. You can check out my first Int'l Wota post if you wish; It's about AKB48's new adult shows... saucy!

5 comments - Join the discussion!:

Dee said...

Well congrats! I'll have to add Int'l Wota to my jpop website checking rotation! :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your first post was really informative. :D

I'll have to start pulling my weight around IW to match you, rival! :P

Anonymous said...

We're happy to have you on the staff! Great first post, btw :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I would've been more like "YAY MARSSSS" last night on wotachat but I was a bit like "@___@" when you came in. [I practically worship your blog... sorry if that sounds kind of stalker-like. XD]

Mars said...

deedy: Yeah, it's great, especially if you're into the idol type stuff, which I know you are ;)

amy: It's on!! *puts on sinister, scary face* ... ^_^

pengie: Thanks pengie, with a small p :)

wendy: *aww* shucks. You can just join my official fan club once it's set up *cough* ;)