PREVIEW: Hot off of Dohhhup! C-ute's newest PV FOREVER LOVE:

So, what do I think? Well the PV starts off promisingly - the shots of the girls around the computer monitors is wonderful - lit lovely and with the mood is perfect. We then see that the girls are actually watching themselves on the screens and thus, we have the concept of the whole PV *yawn*
The girls dance in ridiculously mismatched outfits, with a lot of plaid patterns. I believe they're meant to look Winter-ish though it is slightly deceiving: Kanna in long bell-bottom pants, a scarf and a beanie; whilst Mai struts around in tiny shorts, rightio! The dance, on the whole, is good but there are a few funky looking sections. I do love how much the formation rotates, it seems every girl gets some part of the song where she is in the center.
In the second half of the PV the girls switch to their suits and all look very cool in the danceshot. This half also introduces close-ups which I thought were really horrible looking. Each girl has a plain background with their specific colours on them. Some of the girls look really awkward in these sections, Mai in particular, and the jackets look huge on everyone. Why couldn't they have panned the camera out a little and done individual shots in the room they did the dance-shot in? It would've been a whole lot better imo.
There isn't much more to say - that's all there is to the PV, they dance and they watch. The end.
While it seems I'm being overly critical, I did still enjoy the PV. I adore C-ute and the song is great. I do enjoy the concept of security guards/secret agents they went for but it could have been so much better without stretching the budget. I mean they have a kick-ass song, decent outfits, a gorgeous couple of sets ... but no imagination what so ever.

If I was directing the PV: I would start off very similar with the girls watching themselves on the monitors. I'd keep the dance shot the same while making the outfits slightly less radical. In the second half of the PV I would introduce a storyline of the guards running to the room to catch the dancing girls they were watching on the monitors. We would have shots of C-ute running down a hallway or down a flight of stairs (all in slow-motion) intertwined with the dance shot and individual shots of the FBI girls singing, in various locations (against the wall in the hallway, sitting on the stairs etc). When the song finishes the dancing girls pose as they do in the PV and then we see FBI C-ute burst into the room, but it is completely empty - they stumble to the center of the room, looking around and at one another, confused. The camera would then pan out and the shot would become the monitor screen in the security room which suddenly flicks blank. FOREVER LOVE appears on the screen and then the whole PV flicks off and it is over.
Somewhat cliched and the story is very basic (but at least existant), I think something like that would be much better and I doubt it would cost much more. Oh well, my artistic talents shall continue to go wasted ^_^


So in the end, it looks like I'm on the fence with the PV. I love C-ute and I want to love this PV: It is definitely a decent PV but it just seems so half-assed. How hard is it to inject some creativity into the PV? They had all the ingredients for a wonderful creation but it just ended up as another boring dance shot.
Do you agree with me that it could have been much better, or do you LOVE it? Let me know what you think, ok? ^_^

3 comments - Join the discussion!:

Anonymous said...

I liked this PV, but I was hoping the computer scenes would have more purpose and stuff, like MADAYADE. And I really liked the casual clothes dance shot. The dance set reminds me of Namida no Iro, and I LOVE that set.

Yeah, it could've been a lot better. :/ But atleast there were good parts.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great and I think the dance is excellent. I like it's fiestiness and 'fisticuffs'.

Mars said...

Wendy: I agree, it's grown on me a bit since I got over my hatred lol and realized H!P pvs will always be sub-par :p At least it wasn't worse, which it could easily have been.

Craig: I think the dance is the best bit too. Can't wait to see them rock out live on stage!! :D