PREVIEW: Ice Creamusume's debut music video liàn ài dēng chăng (roughly Entering Love) was released today via Yahoo! Music Taiwan. I managed to rip the PV off and upload it to youtube for you all. Quality isn't great but that's all I could do :p

So first things first, I'm extremely disappointed at the budget of this PV - They're dancing in front of a white background and they have some props, urgh whatever. I think I'm going to start giving up on UFA putting effort in anything they do from now on. Moving on...
The song itself is very sweet and I'm really enjoying it. The chorus is catchy and I think it suits the overall image of the group. The vocals are very nice and ShenShen's solo towards the end is really lovely.
The thing I like the most about this PV is that we get to see the girls' personality. They all act very goofy and cute, it's a lot of fun to watch, even if slightly unoriginal. I wonder if they'll do a PV for their Japanese version of the song?

6 comments - Join the discussion!:

Anonymous said...

The worst thing about this PV is that you can't even see them singing the lyrics to their own song. You see them dancing and posing. WHAT? That makes no sense.

You know, Japan may allow H!P to keep producing this low budget crap, but who's to say Taiwan will be willing to put up with this bull? Good luck with that, UFA, really.

AntonioY said...

Those girls are amazing, obviously they need training but it's a good start for them, i'm gonna support all their efforts!

Anonymous said...

I bet they skipped the lip syncing because they'll recycle the PV completely for the Japanese version of the song... UFA is so cheap xD

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I've been waiting ages to hear more H!P stuff in Chinese.

I actually quite like this PV. Maybe I'm just immune to low budget stuff. ;)

I do like how they have their names in Chinese and Japanese with them posing... I can start learning to recognise them. :D Those bits remind me of the H.P. All Stars PV.

I'd have to agree that it's a shame to not see them actually singing though, but I imagine Rebear will be right about why they didn't do that.

Anonymous said...

happy new year! it looks like UFA is like testing the market with this pv first. it looks like a combination of purikura and white boards... hmm..

Mars said...

Julia: Yeah, if they hadn't shown that nanosecond of ShenShen singing, I would have no clue she was doing the solo. Crazy.

Antonio: Yeh, if this is the starting point then a year from now (fingers crossed their still around) theyll be so great!

Nya: I do like the PV too now. I guess I was just hoping for something a bit more extravagant. But it's really cute and i like the pirakira type stuff.

rebear: You are prob correct -_-; Urgh I hate UFA sometimes!!! XD

renaye: Happy NY to u too :D