PREVIEW: When in doubt, you can't go wrong with THE Possible: Their upcoming single, Shiawase no Katachi.

Firstly: The song is awesome. When I first heard the preview, I wasn't sure - but it's a very sweet track. Secondly: The PV is awesome. Not overly expensive (hell they dance in darkness) but it looks very polished and professional. The outdoor shots are sublime!

It totally gives me a Mihimaru GT vibe which is major points in my book!

3 comments - Join the discussion!:

Anonymous said...

Ah this is really simple, but nice. The hip-hopish verses are kinda cool too and it overall flows pretty well.

Anonymous said...

I don't follow THE Possible and Canary Club, but with their recent releases, I think I might have to. I like this song a lot, and I like the PV a lot too. It's very simplistic. The lighting and stuff reminds me of VERY BEAUTY <333

Mars said...

I'm glad you both like it. NICE Girls have some great songs, especially the more recent stuff. THE Possible in particular have been quite good since their debut to a major record label.