PREVIEW: The PVs of Berryz Koubou's MADAYADE and Buono!'s Lotta Love, Lotta Love were released tonight and I have them embedded for your viewing pleasure :D

Now, Berryz' PV features the girls in a work setting, as interns of some sort. They are pretty incompetent as work assistants which is as far as the storyline goes, but it's the closest thing H!P has had to a story PV in a while so it's a nice addition. One gripe I have is that the PV looks a bit cheap. The setting looks less like an office, and more like a stage made up to try to look like an office.
Outfit wise, I've made my comments on those before. They don't get much better. The dance looks pretty stupid to be honest, although it does have its moments.
The best scenes are by far the end where the girls are mucking around. Very cute!
All in all, not a great PV but a huge step up from Monkey Dance which had a horrible PV.

Amazingly Buono's PV also has a premise, a recording on an old music show from the 60s. That explains the disgustingly cute outfits and the cheapo background. That being said, I still don't like the outfits and I never will.
The dance in this song is pretty good and the song is great. There are closeup shots which are nice but the dance section of the PV is the best bit imo. The crazy camera angles with the dimmed lights and silhouettes makes for a great dance interlude.
For a danceshot + closeup PV this one is pretty good. It would have been nice to get a different approach but, perhaps a short dramatic intro of the girls getting ready for their performance or something; That would have been a nice addition. It's still good, though.

3 comments - Join the discussion!:

Anonymous said...

I like the Berryz one a lot. XD It's really funny.

Dee said...

For me, the Berryz outfits look slightly less horrible in motion. I think they should have done the photographs for the single with them in their business lady outfits, because they all looked adorable and gorgeous in those. But oh well, we get what we get. XD
Also..*loving* all the Chinami we've been getting. She's such a sweetheart!

The Buono single might be my new favorite song, it's so good!

Mars said...

Wendy: The girls do usually make the PVs good. Especially in Berryz case. They have great personalities that shine through and always make the PVs fun to watch, even when they aren't particularly elaborate.

Deedy: The business outfits would have been really cool for the single cover. I didn't even think of that!
I agree, Buono! rocks :D