H!P seems to be on a news vacation so I'm forced to do a pic spam post :p I was having a look at some recent pics and it totally struck me how grown up Hagitty is looking lately. Sure I noticed her growth spurt and all, but her recent Kanna mature haircut really made me notice the transformation she's made since C-ute's debut last year.

Early 2007

Photobucket Photobucket

Late 2008
(click for high res)


It's kinda cool watching these girls grow up and mature into beautiful young women. Hagitty was always the tiny, short girl, and now she's totally rocketing up in height. I laughed at Nakki complaining about Mai growing in a recent C-ute DVD mag, not wanting her to grow taller than her; I think she's probably surpassed poor Saki now >.< The scary thing is that she is only 12, she still has a lot of growing to go!! :} Watch out Yurina!

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